One of the travel trends we’ve been witnessing is that ‘celebration travel’ is on the rise. After being unable to celebrate a string of important dates while the world was locked down, people are starting to think bigger than even when it comes to celebrating the important moments.
We take a look at some of our favourite kinds of celebration trips.
The milestone birthday cruise
For some, entering a new decade can feel like starting a downward slope, but others view it as the start of a new chapter, complete with new challenges and experiences. It’s time to do something for you – take a break from work, slow time down and make this birthday one to remember by going on the trip of a lifetime.
I always like to travel someplace new for my birthday, if possible. And what better way to celebrate a big birthday than a big travel destination? … I have traveled to some other great places for previous birthdays. But, for a landmark event like a 50th birthday, Antarctica (and Aurora Expeditions) was an excellent choice that was truly unique in my experience. The trip has prompted so much interest that I have created and given several photo presentations for family, friends, and co-workers.
Chris Gawronski

The special anniversary cruise
Is there anything quite so romantic as sailing into the sunset with a glass of bubbles, arm-in-arm with your loved one? In our opinion, the best way to celebrate years or a lifetime of good memories is by making more – and even bigger ones! Whichever Aurora cruise you choose, you are guaranteed to emerge feeling more connected to nature and each other than ever.
I would advise anyone who has even the smallest inkling of wanting to visit Antarctica, just do it! My trip was born from an off the cuff comment to my husband… After four years of planning and saving, we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary year there. One of the amazing memories, hearing snowflakes hit the water whilst kayaking.
Ruth T

The retirement celebration cruise
When you finally have enough time to embrace your newfound freedom, what better way to celebrate then by taking that cruise you’ve always dreamed of. Many of our voyages are longer than the average cruise because, in the spirit of expedition cruising, our itineraries are flexible to allow for changing weather, wildlife encounters and opportunities to disembark and have unforgettable experiences. We understand that time is the greatest luxury.
Now I have no schedule, so as soon as COVID restrictions lifted I thought, Antarctica? Why not?!
Read more: Humans of Antarctica

The festive holiday cruise
There’s a white Christmas, and then there’s Christmas in Antarctica. Experience the ultimate in celebration travel by letting someone else handle the Christmas feast for a change as you spend the day surrounded by like-minded adventurers, receiving the ultimate presents from Mother Nature.
We were lucky enough to witness the spectacular bubble net feeding technique of the humpback whales, where the animals produce a circular net of air bubbles to trap their prey, and then dive up from underneath to engulf it with their huge mouths and filter it through the baleens. At one moment the whales and air bubbles passed underneath our Zodiacs, leaving everyone speechless and with goosebumps. What a Christmas present!
Passenger quote from Voyage Journal, December 2019
Read more: Christmas in Antarctica
Passengers love travelling with us over New Year because it’s guaranteed to be action-packed, and it sets tone for the year ahead. Discover more reasons to celebrate the New Year in Antarctica.